July '08 POTM Contest


Well-Known Member

:LOL: cool pic, looks like a photo-chop to me though :(


Active Member
i had 2 croceas under pc's and the looked great and were spilling over the shell and then they just died one day. Water quality was fine. I don' think PC's can sustain clams long term. I had mine like 3 months.

reef dummy

This in in response to PEMfish. I've had him for six months under pc lighting and hes grown about 1.5 inches. Clams can do fine under pc's if they are under high quality lights that are replaced evry 6-8 months. Feed plenty of oyster eggs and phyto and excellent water quality doesn't hurt either. Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
I have never heard of that, just the contradictions. But if you have enough PCs to make it work than more power to ya.