Dave's RSM 500


Well-Known Member
Just looking at your tank picts again. Man you have some large pieces. I thought my toadstool was big and was thinking of fragging him down (my first ever frag), but after seeing yours I think I will leave him alone. Tank is looking great!

David Shaw

Well-Known Member
Thanks Choff.

Since moving the coral stock over from my 130D everything has grown big time. Yup the toadstool is large but i kinda like it so will keep it until it get's too big then trade it off to the LFS.

I don't want to over populate with corals and rock as i like lots of space at the sides, back and front for swim room and to be able to keep things clean. When i go to the LFS now i tend to only get the odd small zoa or mushroom for colour and to cover some rock.

I like the way i have it set out now (at last). I don't want to mess around moving things and adding too much stock. The thought of another aqua-scape fills me with dread.

David Shaw

Well-Known Member
Just noticed that my red bubble tip anemone seemed a lot smaller than usual, i always loved just how big and colourful it was. Had a close up look and realised it had split into two! One of the halves is quite a bit lower down now, between 2 rocks so i am guessing it will go wandering to get more light. That saved me £35 - no need to buy another one now :)

David Shaw

Well-Known Member
New Pics (iPad, so not great)

My bubble tip split, so now i have 2 that sit next to each other.







David Shaw

Well-Known Member
Thanks prsrock. I can hardly believe the tank is a year old now. Took me about 5 attempts to get the rocks right, but am happy with it now. Lot's of swim throughs and lots of room at the front (and sides/back) for cleaning.

David Shaw

Well-Known Member
I recommend getting your own live rock and creating a setup you are happy with, that's part of the fun. I loved creating my own layout (apart from the wet socks and rock slides) :)


Active Member
Tank looks great, glad to see your nem or nems like their home. I can only hope to do half as good once my tank has a few more months running.

David Shaw

Well-Known Member
I have about 150 pounds of rock (I think) i have taken some out in the last month to open things up. If i lived local i would gladly come over to help you rock scape :)


Hi Dave,
You will probably see my post regarding the same, but I was wondering if you are or are considering the Red Sea Reef Care program?

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David Shaw

Well-Known Member
Hi Dave,
You will probably see my post regarding the same, but I was wondering if you are or are considering the Red Sea Reef Care program?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

I use the Red Sea Reef Nutrition A and B and also the reef foundation A, B and C with great success.