Recent content by niagara135

  1. niagara135

    Reefs and spouses~

    The saltwater tank was all my wife's doing. We had a freshwater tank and I just wasn't interested in it. One day I came home from work and it was filled with saltwater. Now I am the one who takes care of the tank while she comes and looks at it. Can't complain at all, if I say I need something...
  2. niagara135

    woke up to a nightmare

    Ditto on the resealing, it's worth a shot. Everything will be fine in the rubbermaid container for awhile to give you time to cut and reseal. Cheaper in the long run.
  3. niagara135

    I have lost faith in our goverment poll

    In the heat of anger things are said that are not truely meant. There is allot of confusion which leads to allot of anger. You will read and see things that were said and will be said, allot negative. Take it in stride, the comments made are illfully made in anger and by the minority. All we can...
  4. niagara135

    OT Gas Prices in your area?

    Around Buffalo, NY there are high prices of $3.39 and low prices of $2.69 on the indian reservations. I haven't rode the motorcycle because of the chilly mornings, but it looks like I may have to quit being a wimp and use it more for daily commuting.
  5. niagara135


    I find the best test kit are the corals themselves. I have a torch coral which is a good indication of what is going on in the tank, ie salt too high. As time goes on and I really sink some money into more and expensive corals I will probably break down and get a test kit.
  6. niagara135


    I do believe I have the same skimmer w/mag 7 as you. I also have the extra large cup on mine. Same thing as you are talking about. Some days the cup is full and it is very wet, others there is not much. No adjustments on the skimmer that I can see. Alot of times I will turn the skimmer off for...
  7. niagara135

    BareBottom Club

    I went BB a couple months ago. For the past month my tank has been basically on it's own as I have been renovating my second story and the tank has been doing just great. It was a month before I actually took a few moments to clean the glass, that happened at least every couple of days with sand.
  8. niagara135

    Lemonpeel trouble

    I also had a lemonpeel that would also irritate my anemone and a few corals. Back to the LFS he went with a coral beauty I had that was being pretty good good with everything, just didn't want to take a chance of either of them doing any serious damage to anything.
  9. niagara135

    niagara's now 90 gal. bb

    Well I thought I would post some pictures of the now bb tank. Over the last couple of weeks I have put the tank through you know what getting the sand out and getting the starboard in. In the process I lost a six line (dissapeared) and removed 3 large urchins and a very aggresive cinnamon clown...
  10. Full_Tank_6-19-2005


  11. Left_Side_6-19-2005


  12. Right_Side_6-19-05


  13. niagara135

    barebottom ?

    I'm new to the bb, heck new to saltwater. I just recently pulled out all my sand and put starboard down. I had about 20 to 30 blue legged crabs that I left in after going bb. They crawl all over the rock and keep it clean. I have a sebae anemone and it likes to perch on a crevis of the rocks. So...
  14. niagara135

    My 3 week old 90 gallon

    Well I thought I would wait a couple of weeks before I pulled out the rock and put the starboard down. Got home from work, took one look at the board and started pulling out the rock. There is still a bit of dusty fine sand floating around on the bottom but it will be out in due time. Well...
  15. niagara135

    new water change technique

    Sounds like it might be time to put the sump a little lower than the main tank and use a overflow box as Wit has stated. I don't know if I would trust 2 pumps with valves to keep water circulating between 2 level tanks. I'm still waiting for the big flood to happen, hopefully it wont...jinx.