Your Experience With These Fish?


Active Member
I have at the moment.....

  • 1 Yellow-Watchman Goby
  • 1 Dwarf Flame Angel
  • 1 Yellow-tail Damnsel
  • 1 Tomato Clown
  • 1 Strawberry Basslet
  • 5 Astrea Snails

I have a 55 Gallon and am not going to get ALL of these fish listed below but want to know other people's experience with any of these fish please and if they will be compatible with what I have and an anenome which I will be adding when I have a better lighting system. Also if it cannot handle a 55 Gallon and would need larger that would be appreciated as well.

  • Green Chromis
  • Blue Reef Chromis
  • Engineer Goby
  • Pajama Cardinalfish
  • Green Mandarin
  • Yellow Target Mandarin
  • Royal Gramma
  • Pearly Jawfish
  • Snowflake Eel
  • Yellow Tang
  • Yellow Longnose Butterfly Fish
  • Purple Queen Anthias
  • Fiji Foxface
  • Sunburst Anthias
  • Clown Fairy Wrasse
  • Any other Dwarf Angels?

Thanks for your help ahead of time. This community has helped me ALOT since I started reading here in regards to learning about my new hobby.



Well-Known Member
Green chromis-good mild fish
blue reef chromis-good mild fish
cardinal fish-good mild fish
mandarin- hard to keep if tank doesnt have alot of copepods and not recommended for a tank younger than 1 year.
yellow tang-grows fast and can be aggressive.
long nose butterfly- not recommended for beginners, can be finicky eater and starve.
all anthias- do good with alot of live food like copepods- otherwise good fish
dwarf angel-will fight with each other till ones death.


Active Member
SNowflake eel I had a year ago. One of the most active eels I have ever had! Very beautiful too. I would of gotten another one but they are just so common I wanted more of a rare eel. Never bothered any hermits or snails. Never bothered any fish. They do get a little wild when they smell food though and make sure you have a tight fitting lid. They get about 2 ft long but grow fairly slow.


Wannabe Guru
[*]Green Chromis - good community fish but can become aggressive amongst each other.

[*]Blue Reef Chromis-same as green except grow at least to twice their size.

[*]Engineer Goby-never had one

[*]Pajama Cardinalfish-never had one

[*]Green Mandarin-difficult to keep due to dietary needs. I recommend at least 100lbs. of mature live rock you can get by with less if you have an established refugium

[*]Yellow Target Mandarin-same as the green

[*]Royal Gramma-good community fish

[*]Pearly Jawfish-never had one

[*]Snowflake Eel-never had one

[*]Yellow Tang-great herbivore but can become quite aggressive as it becomes established.

[*]Yellow Longnose Butterfly Fish-never had one

[*]Purple Queen Anthias-never had one

[*]Fiji Foxface-never had one

[*]Sunburst Anthias-any Anthias can be difficult this one is a deep water fish so will have to adapt to bright tank and in a 55 you can only keep one.

[*]Clown Fairy Wrasse-great community fish and very active.

[*]Any other Dwarf Angels?-in a 55 it's out of the question !


Well-Known Member
I have a pearly jawfish.... make sure you have a DSB mixed with some larger substrate and that your rock is all the way to the bottom of the tank. Jawfish will dig several holes until it finds the just right home to settle in. Once they are in they are very shy, mild, easy to care for fish.... my Daughter loves the one we have...


Active Member
Ok now I think this person is an idiot but I wanted to check with you all. I was told that if the Dwarf Angels have different color patterns then I can put another one with my Flame Angel.

I think he is wrong, but I would like justification.


Wannabe Guru
MarbleShark said:
Ok now I think this person is an idiot but I wanted to check with you all. I was told that if the Dwarf Angels have different color patterns then I can put another one with my Flame Angel.

I think he is wrong, but I would like justification.

Dwarf Angels are very territorial and it doesn't go by color but body shape anything similar shape will be attacked by the established fish. The only way I would recommend more than one Angel would be a large tank 120+ with plenty of LR for cover when there's aggression and they must be added simultaneously different sizes preferably the more aggressive one should be smaller.
Here's a good read on Dwarf Angels:


Your LFS person probably just had something mixed up. LARGE angel species and dwarves can be kept just need a tank big enough to house the large specie(most require at least a 200). and dwarf angels can be kept together if you have an extremely large tank(200+ gallons, if not bigger) with lots of rockwork. so either way in a 55, 2 angels is a no-no.

as far as the others, i'd hold off on both of those anthias species, they tend to be 2 of the harder species to keep (if you wanted to try anthias i'd highly recommend bartlett's anthias, theyre one of the easier species to keep, note i didnt say easy, i said easier. all anthias need 3-4 feedings a day to keep them healthy.

engineers gobies in that size tank would probably make a mess out of your sand bed when they get bigger(they like to reaarange a bit)

yellow longnose b-flys are one of the hardier butterflys but still, make sure theyre eating before you buy them.

everything that needs to be said about mandarins have already been said.

tangs and foxfaces are good but do get a bit too big for that size tank, and can be a little hard on fish that are put in the tank after them.

the eel will be a prob purely because of how much they would eat and out-compete the other fish for food..

most other fish on the list are pretty good community fish for that size tank.