We need more reviews!


Hey all.

This is a general call to members to add to the great Reviews section set up for us by the admin here. They did a great job of making this a very easy feature to use and it is very well organized, but so far has been under used. I just uploaded my first product and found it very easy to do. This can be a very valuable and helpful quick reference tool for all of us if members help build it up. Right now, under Dry Goods we have 47 products listed and only 15 reviews.

Take some time to check it out and add reviews for existing products or add products that you use or have used. I would much rather hear what real experiences people have had with equipment or livestock than read what advertisers or anyone else making a profit has to say. Be fair and honest and everyone will benefit from your input.

Props to our great administrators and moderators for getting this set up for us!:wave:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Thanks so much, Dean!

If everyone took just one product they owned, and did one review, once a week, we'd have a fantastic reference base.

Even if someone else has already done a review on the product you were thinking of, if you could add your own review/comments, it would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks everyone!


Active Member
Originally posted by deanerk
Take some time to check it out and add reviews for existing products or add products that you use or have used. I would much rather hear what real experiences people have had with equipment or livestock than read what advertisers or anyone else making a profit has to say. Be fair and honest and everyone will benefit from your input.:wave:

Originally posted by ReefLady
Thanks so much, Dean!

If everyone took just one product they owned, and did one review, once a week, we'd have a fantastic reference base.

Even if someone else has already done a review on the product you were thinking of, if you could add your own review/comments, it would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks everyone!

Folks, it looks like Deanerk made a motion for all of the members who asked for a review section to put up a review. It appears that Reeflady seconded that motion.

All in favor say, "Aye".

Actually, you don't have to say anything. Just put up a review. Pwetty Pweese!!!


WOW! We've more than doubled the number of reviews in less than 24 hours! Keep 'em coming people. Great work!

:thumbup: :square:


Just uploaded another product and did 2 reviews. Anyone else getting their weekly reviews in? Keep 'em coming!



Well-Known Member
I was about to bump this one up...

I sent a pm but I will ask here in case anyone knows, are there any copyright "rules" that should be taken into consideratino in regards to the product description. I am assuming it is ok if you cut and paste the product description set forth by the company but I just wanted to make sure so I don't make extra work for the mods...

Take er easy
Scott T.


Active Member
I appreciate your concern Scott.

I have spoken with 3 different attorneys. It seems like we are in pretty good shape. One of the attorneys even told me to copy and paste with abandon (which I'm not recommending). With that said, I have spoken with a number of manufacturers prior to taking a pic if I wanted a lot of pic's from their site.

I'M NOT PRACTICING LAW HERE. This is a plain language explanation of the Fair Use Doctrine. Scott, I have a HUGE amount of research on this because I want to make sure that RS and the dynamite duo are fully protected. If you would like this research, hit me with a PM. Hopefully, the following will suffice.

Fair Use / Fair Dealing
There is a complex doctrine associated with copyright law which allows certain types of copying without permission in areas where it is felt that some more important social principles would be violated otherwise.
The "fair use" doctrine (fair dealing in Canada and some other nations) in its purest form, lets a film critic include a clip from a film in her review to illustrate a point. Since negative critics would never get permission to do this, the fair use exemption exists to stop copyright law from being used to stifle criticism.

This means that if you are doing things like comment on a copyrighted work, making fun of it, teaching about it or researching it, you can make some limited use of the work without permission. For example you can quote excerpts to show how poor the writing quality is. You can teach a course about T.S. Eliot and quote lines from his poems to the class to do so. Some people think fair use is a wholesale licence to copy if you don't charge or if you are in education, and it isn't. However, just use good judgement. Craig is an accountant, I'm an accountant, and Craig's dad is an attorney. We will take care of the nasty stuff related to the copyright issues.

However, manners are nice too.:D :D :D


Question for ya Curt (or any other mod who might know):

I uploaded a product and included a link to a picture. The picture was at Premium Aquatics and I copied that link. Is that a no-no? The pic doesn't show up now in the product description. (It's the Marine Life overflow.) Is there a better way to add pics? I noticed a "pending approval" fill in pic immediately after posting. I'm guessing I should be saving pics I find and uploading them by browsing to them on that product upload screen... right?


Active Member
It might be because it came from a vendor's site. I don't know. I have saved some pics from a vendors site or two and used them for the pics. However, I did do the intermediate step of copying to my desktop in the mean time.

BTW---you will always see the "pending approval" language. I get that too. That is not the issue. As long as you guys are honorable, a lot of leeway will be given to you. The fact your picture didn't show up is likely due to privacy-protection issues or it was a gif or tiff instead of a jpg.