Stoney coral ID


Contributing Member
Not sure what this is, it was an ORA frag and it was sold to the LFS as a birdsnest coral. When I think birdsnest, I think Seriatapora hystrix, this ain't it. It sorta reminds me of Anacropora, but then again it doesn't...

Do you have any macros of the polyps/ etc?

It doesn't look like Seriatopora hystrix to me, but not really Anacropora either IMO. Branch tips and polyps might help ... but that's a weird one. It may require growing out to really figure it out ... as it's so encrysted now I dunno.

But it sure looks like a sweet coral - and rare ones are interesting.

Wish ORA put up a list of the things they're growing ... that sure would help. LFS always seem to get things wrong ... IMO.
Interesting I do say so myself...might view after the lights go out to see what kind of polyps appear, if any. might make it a little easier to identify. Good luck! Take pic after dark and submit, might be able to give more info at that time.


Contributing Member
It’s an Elkhorn Montipora (M. hirisuta)
I have 2 from ORA in my tank and I just ordered 3 more for the LFS today.
A good starter piece IMO and a fast grower.
Some have a bumpier look and others plate more like Elkhorn normally looks.
Here is a pic of mine I just took tonight…


Contributing Member
LOL no prob Kev
I ordered more today and was literally just playing with that pic in PS.
I check the threads and… :idea:
Just good timing :cool:


Contributing Member
Looking at your pic, it kinda looks like a cross between a digitata and a cap. Or what a cap might look like if it branched instead of plated.


Contributing Member
Good call, Sharks! Karma your way, please excuse my typo in the karma box though ;)


Well-Known Member
Elkhorns are an ORA specialty, if the LFS got it from them they should have easily had it id'd... Every month ORA sends us an order sheet with what they have for sale. Everything on there, common and scientfic names for the fish and species names on all the clams and corals.
I would understand if they ordered from a LA wholesaler that sells there stuff as "green acro" or "blue monti cup"...



Contributing Member
You are right Mike they (The LFS) should know what they ordered.
But speaking from experience ORA writes a brief description of the frag on the bag and sometimes it is illegible. So the M. hirisuta could easily be seen as a S. hystrix in the rush to get the frags in the tank and help the customer at the same time.
I’ve been there but to mix these two corals up is a big mistake. They look nothing alike. I would guess that a worker (nor a manager or owner) put this coral away.
Anyhow I love this coral. I think if I placed it horizontally it would have plated more like the typical Elkhorn. That is what the one in the LFS display tank did. I placed mine vertically and it has just grown up and out so far.


Well-Known Member
One of my employees has two nice little elkhorn colonies. His hasn't really plated, but has a really nce bushy growth pattern in his tank, I'll see if I can get him to post some pics of his. They've grown very nicely in his tank. I personally am not too crazy about them, but that's just me :D They are quite unique and not very common though.
As far as ORA's labeling... :D
I agree, on the clowns they just put the number in the bag and I'm left trying to figure out which ones are the tomatos and which ones are the australians...
Hope that didn't sound like I'm trying to put down ORA, I still love em, they have great customer service...


Contributing Member
The LFS never said it was S. hystrix, they simply said the only thing ORA called it was birdsnest. To me birdsnest means S. hystrix and it is obvious that it's not a hystrix, they didn't know what it was. If it's printed on the invoice, I imagine the owner either had removed that invoice or it was lost. At any rate, I think it is a very cool coral and am very glad to have it ID'd!!!