

Ive had a 29 gallon set up for a little over a year now n i just recently switched into a 55 gallon i have a yellow tang, a tiny clown, n some kind of shrimp goby the lfs didn't know the name. a have a sabae anemone, a frog spawn, a clam and like 10 xenia stalks.

some ideas for what else i should put in there would be greatly appreciated.....


Well-Known Member
In a 55, you are only a few fish short of full so I'd make your choices count. For color there's always a flasher wrasse (make sure your tank is covered with eggcrate). Blennies are nice. So are basslets. I'd not add anything that gets too big and definitely no other tangs.

Make sure that whatever you get, it won't bother your clam.