sick fish

my sailfin tang is at least five years old, has always been healthy with good appetite- but his fins melted off from some auto-immune disease within the first six months I had him- other than that he has always been robust active, etcetera. He had some oodinium once or twice a few yrs back but he responded to treatment and recovered well.
now, after at least two or more years of no problems, he seems to be dying of a systemic bacterial infection. I treated the tank with this anti-biotic- broad spectrum anti-bacterial, but he shows no improvement. His eyes were first coated and he couldn't see, and now they are sort of blood-bruised, as was his face earlier. he cannot see or eat and hasn't ate in over a week. He is slowly dying, and it is truly depressing to watch.
Is there any hope for this fish? Should I try some other antibiotic , or maybe use a large dose? Please, if you think you have an answer reply or e-mail me at mikdan7 at comcast dot net. Thanks. Mike.