sanity check


DIY Sump/Refugium Plan

Stand Dimensions: 50”L x 20”W x 38”T
Display Tank: 48 ½”L x 18 ½”W x 20”T (75gal)
Sump Dimensions: 24”L x 15”W x 15”T (23gal)
Refugium Dimensions: 20”L x 15”W x 15”T (19gal)

Aqua C EV180 Skimmer- Dimensions: 9”L x 5 ¾”W x 20”T
Korallin 1502 Calcium Reactor- Dimensions: 6 ½” Diameter base plate, 15 ¾”T
Aquamedic Titan 150 Chiller- Dimensions: 13”L x 11”W x 9”T

These are my plans for a 75gal SPS and clam tank. I plan to build the stand, canopy, sump, and refugium. These plans are to finalize dimensions and ensure all above equipment will fit and will operate properly in this configuration. Sump and Refugium will be made from 3/8” acrylic. The following references the letters in the drawing and attempts to explain my thinking and provide further information.

A. Water leaves the tank by flowing over two 2” PVC risers (drilled into bottom of the tank) which act as overflow boxes. Water enters the sump from two 1 ½” overflow pipes (PVC). The Sedra pump is rated at 1200 gph, so the only consideration here is will the overflows be able to keep up with the pump. Also the drain from the right side of the tank connects with the left side through a 90 degree “T”. Not sure how much flow I will loose going through this “T”.
B. Water will flow out of open tube onto a filter sponge that can be removed and cleaned. My concern here is noise from the falling water. Water will fill the left section of the sump and flow over the divider into the main sump compartment.
C. The skimmer and calc reactor have self contained pumps that take in water from the sump and return it to the sump. The return pump on the right is a Sedra 1200A, rated at 1200 gph- 16 times the tank volume per hour. The pump is submersible and will be located on the right side of the sump. Output of the pump is ¾”.
D. Return to the tank will flow up a ¾” pipe which splits using a “Y” fitting, each going to an bulkhead fitting drilled into the back of the tank. The right input to the tank will be attached to a spraybar and the left input to a directional port for water flow.
E. For the refugium I plan to reduce the 1 ½” overflow pipe to a ¾” pipe going down into the input of the ‘fuge.
F. The right compartment will fill and flow over into the center compartment where I will have some sand (1/2”) and rock rubble for pod havens. Water will then fill this compartment and spill over into the left compartment.
G. Approximately 2” up from the bottom I will drill a 1” hole and attach a bulkhead fitting. A corresponding hole will be drilled in the upper right side of the sump, and a pipe will connect the two. This should allow gravity to return water to the sump because the refugium is raised on a platform.

Any suggestions here would be greatly appreciated. I hope I explained it well enough for you to understand my intent. Thanks,

John (jks1)


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Looks great to me. What a deluxe plan! I wish I had the space to do that.

I will be interested to see how the flow is using the one pump for the "y" return also.

This should make for a nice stable environment.