Puffer Compatability


I don't really know anything about Puffers than they are cool to look at but here is a chart on fish compatability.
Do you have all 3 of these puffers together?
According to the chart it says puffers don't get along with other puffers.

Marine Compatability Chart
To my understanding they dont like the same type puffer (a valentini wouldnt get along with a valentini nor hawaiian saddle), but they are fine with other puffers of different kind. They are kind of like damsels, i guess...
But thank you very much for that chart ill definitley consider getting one... my only concern is that puffers will nip at fins of slow moving fish such as lions, sharks, or stingrays... And boxfish are slow, and can emit a toxin...


I have had a puffer and a boxfish in the same tank before I started my reef. They got along great! For five years I did fish only and always kept puffers and boxfish together.