Newb, and his 38g


New Member
Nothing superb, mainly pics of me starting up. I'll most a few just to give a story line, however all my other pics are located here.

Quick specs: 38g, 36x12x20, 36" 1x96W 50/50, 200w ebojager, 802 powerhead w/ filter. 12lbs figi LR, 30lbs sugarsand. started dec 27th, restarted jan 2nd.

day 1 - 12lbs of LR. 30lbs of sugar sand. filled up the tank with some water and salt. cloudy? yes.

day 2 : dec 28th - filled all the way up. still cloudy

jan 2 - couldn't take the cloudyness, wasn't getting any better. got a filter for the powerhead, removed all the water, and sand. gave the sand a rinse, and started again. (pic from jan 3rd) difference made from the filter, and rinsing the sand.

first diy - wanted to make something while I wait for my cycle. made a cover for my tank at work. more pics

jan 5 - tank as of today. got one little shrimp in there for the cycle (cocktail stuff).

And thats it for now. Again check out my gallery for more pics.

Craig Manoukian

Well-Known Member
Looks like you're off to a good start. If you put the shrimp in some old nylons or cheese cloth you will get the ammonia spike but avoid the detritus. Makes it much easier to remove from the tank when the cycle is finished.

Welcome, and thanks for the pics!

:) :D :cool: ;) :p :smirk:


Well-Known Member
Looks like a good start.
Welcome to the hobby. :)

That's some nice plexi work you did too... my hat's off to you.

Craig Manoukian

Well-Known Member
If you are thinking of adding live rock, best to do it now and cycle all at once. You will have to cure/cycle any live rock added after the initial cycle to avoid an ammonia spike.

HTH:) :D :cool: ;) :p :smirk:


New Member
Originally posted by Craig Manoukian
If you are thinking of adding live rock, best to do it now and cycle all at once. You will have to cure/cycle any live rock added after the initial cycle to avoid an ammonia spike.

HTH:) :D :cool: ;) :p :smirk:

Thanks everyone for your comments!

I'd love to buy all my LR right now, but I can't justify the cost for it this month (specially right after xmas!). I'm already over my starting budget just to get going. Will I have to go thru another cycle if I add LR in a few weeks?

I'm probably gonna start FOWLR and possibly a small amount of coral (mushrooms). But who knows, we'll see where it goes. I'd like to get some snails, a cleaner shrimp to start.

Some of the fish I'd like to get are clown fish, tang, goby, box fish... ...but I'm still doing my research. I picked up The Conscientious Marine Aquarist, and i'm about 1/2 way thru the book right now. I still need to read up on which fish will work with eachother, and to make sure that they'll have fun in my small tank.


Active Member
NaH2O, love that chart, also you are going to want to remove the filter on that PH. I now it helpped clear up the sand problem, but to help with the cycling of the tank once you start, remove the filer.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Wow, great start! Looks good, and great DIY work ... with a creative flair!

Very nice - thanks for sharing the pics.


Active Member
If you can get LR locally that has already been cured then your cycle should be minimal. If you get LR with some die off then you'll have to cycle again. Looks great and I love that tank cover. :thumbup:


Well-Known Member
I bought all my live rock through ebay... though it's like a box of chocolates... you never know what you're gonna get. :D
I paid $149 for a 49 Lb. box of Fiji, and $129 for a 25 Lb. box of Tonga.

With a 38g tank, you may want to rethink getting a tang. They need lots of swimming room, so the usual minimum tank size for tangs is around 100g (though you can keep yellows in a 70).
While you 'can' keep them in smaller tanks, they'll be constantly stressed and will become ich magnets. I have a friend keeping a powder blue tang in his 65g reef (it's about 2.5" long) and he was befuddled as to why it kept getting ich, until I explained it to him.


New Member
Originally posted by mwrager
NaH2O, love that chart, also you are going to want to remove the filter on that PH. I now it helpped clear up the sand problem, but to help with the cycling of the tank once you start, remove the filer.

Good note on the filter. Nobody has mentioned that to me yet. I'll remove it once I get home.

Also thanks for the info on the tang. Like I said I haven't read up all yet, but thats good to note on the size of tank they need. Thats too bad, they are nice fish, but I'd rather them be happy.

What about a boxfish? I didn't see them on that list. I think they are the best lookin fish to date!


Never heard of a box fish?
ice tank. Nice looking cover. :D
Keep us posted. I love watching people start tanks. It brings me back to a couple of months ago when I started.




Fish Addict
Box fish are poisonous when they die, and when they sense that they are being picked at/eaten. Their poison basically kills them, and all or most of the other tank inhabitants. They are not reef safe. That is if you are talking about the same kind of boxfish, which I think also go by cow fish. I have to agree with the tangs too, not in a 38 gallon, 48" of swimroom, and at the very least for a yellow tang, a 50 gallon, for others minimum of a 70-100.


New Member
Originally posted by fidojoe
Box fish are poisonous when they die, and when they sense that they are being picked at/eaten. Their poison basically kills them, and all or most of the other tank inhabitants. They are not reef safe. That is if you are talking about the same kind of boxfish, which I think also go by cow fish. I have to agree with the tangs too, not in a 38 gallon, 48" of swimroom, and at the very least for a yellow tang, a 50 gallon, for others minimum of a 70-100.

Yup, you're correct. Just read it up in my book. They are also called "puffers". Grr, thats too bad about the poisonous slime. It says they should be kept singly.