My Refugium Setup


New Member
I had a request for some info on how my fuge was setup and how it works so i thought i might as well make a post for others looking into putting together a small fuge. I appologize ahead for the bad explanation, i hope the pictures can tell my story lol :ponder2:



This is my 10g refugium on a 34g DT.

Tank - 10g baffled tank
Overflow box - Eshopps PF-300
Return Pump - Rio+ 1100 383 gph
Lighting - 13" Odyssea light fixture with a 24w bulb
Skimmer - CPR BAK-PAK 2R+
4" Mud bed, caulerpa, and bio bale.
Tube to run from the overflow to the fuge, and some for the return pump back to the display tank.

I removed the stock Red Sea Max skimmer, and cut a square in the
plastic hood to have the overflow box hang out the back and reach the water.


This left left me with a big empty chamber below the overflow in the back of the MAX so i filled it up with bio bale.

The water runs through the comb from the display side of the tank and drops in the back right next to overflow.


The water that enters the overflow box is then siphoned to the back and then gravity fed to the refugium.


The water passes through the refugium and also the skimmer i have hanging on the back.



The water is then pumped back to the DT by the return pump and dumps into a chamber in the back that leads to power heads, after passing through some filter media and carbon.



The clear pipe is the siphon leading to the fuge, black pipe is the return line.


After looking at my tank in pictures, i realize it needs to be cleaned! It doesnt look that dirty with salt stains everywhere in RL i swear! :away:

I hope this helps some people,


I like how the entrance to the fuge is in the middle. Does that give it better flow? My fuge has crappy flow. All the water just comes up to the top and goes straight across to the other side....


New Member
I like how the entrance to the fuge is in the middle. Does that give it better flow? My fuge has crappy flow. All the water just comes up to the top and goes straight across to the other side....

The entrance is in the right chamber :) I think you are looking at the skimmer in/out in the middle. I think its better on the right chamber, lets the water slowly flow through the middle with out disrupting the sand from the gravity feed from the DT.


He means how the entrance to the fuge through the baffle is near the sand rather then the top waterline.


Can you reup the pics? I am currently researching to set up a refugium, but I plan on making it a display fuge next to my current tank. Trying to figure out what size overflow, return and all that jazz I am going to need and need to figure out how everything gets setup. Your thread looks helpful. Thanks!