My 135 Gallon FOWLR


Here is my 6ft 135g FOWLR:


I have the following fish :
TANGS : Scopas, naso, kole, yellow
WRASSE: Birdwrasse m/f, Lunare m/f, Hawaiian cristmas
Trigger : niger , (queen trigger on the way, likely to be housed alone though)
Clowns: Clarkii m/f and Tomato
Anemone: Green Bubble Tip for each clown
Cardinal : Pajama
Damsels/chromis : yellow tail, domino, elec blue, and couple i have not looked up yet.

Macro Algae:
Ulva (sea lettuce)
Red Gracilaria
Macro Algae is placed in a clump with a rubberband, the end is shoved into a empty shell and secured to the shell with the rubberband. I then drop the whole clump into the rockwork where i think it looks nice.

Here is a short video clip of my clarkii clown trying very hard to not roll out of bed in its anemone at night LOL:


All these fish are juvies except the naso and male birdwrasse. I will eventually split these fish into two groups with the larger and or more aggressive fish being housed in my existing 7 foot 265 gallon tank.

I have two 500gph Hob filters, skimmer, magnum 350 for filtration. My heating is taken care of with a in housing heater in the HOB filters (300w)