moving my betta


i have a betta in my desk tank that i need to move. i want to take him home and put him in my 30 gallon FWT at the house. but i am worried about the current inhabitants and him getting along. here is the list of the players

1 blue craw fish
3 green moss barbs
1 rainbow shark
1 rose line
1 black banded leporinus
2 flying fox
and 1 pleco

i know if he gets to close to the craw fish he is a goner. but what about the others?


He will absolutely perish in that tank. It is understandable to think that a fish will be "happier" in a bigger tank but Bettas appear to actually prefer smallish quarters. And no way would he get along with any of those specimens in the 30 gallon they are all way to aggressive and the betta is too slow. Just keep him in the 3 gallon by himself, put it in a bathroom that is what I did when I took mine home from being on my desk at work. He is very happy in the sunny bathroom I put him in.


for sure your crawfish is going to cath it and eat it. take your whole tank home and keep it theway it is, what are you going to do with the tank if you only take the fish home? bettas are found in still water in vietnam area and maybe neighboring countries(not sure), thatts why they gulp air, water's way to warm and still to hold enough oxygen, their fins create too much drag for moving waters, theyll find a corner where theres least current and stay there

forgot to answer youre question, hell be fine if you take out the crawfish, he'll eat normally like the rest of them but just wont be happy with water current, wiont be able to make bubble nest


Here is his habitat I made for him in the big tank. It's in a low flow corner. He has this large fake plant that he loves.

