Magnesium Chloride from Amazon?


Active Member
Just wondering if anyone buys magnesium chloride to make their own additive from Amazon. I looked at BRS and they are way too expensive. A pouch to make 1 gallon is $10 and then almost as much just to ship it. I can use Epsom salts for the Mag Sulfate, but need the Chloride part.


Well-Known Member
Before you get involved in this, how big a tank are we talking about, and what is your current magnesium level? Also, what is the SG of your water and what brand of salt are you using? Lastly, how is the livestock, especially corals, doing?

Fixing this problem may not require supplements.

Here is the primary consideration. Is the money saved worth risking your tank over? It's not unusual to have a system where replacing the livestock, if it died, would cost in the thousands of dollars. Do you want to take that risk to save a few dollars on additives?


Active Member
Not actually fixing a problem, just like to keep Ca, Alk & Mg supplements on hand just in case things head south. I have a 75 g tank at 1.026 and Mg is about 1440, Ca at 520 and Alk at 10. Everything is doing fine. I use Reef Crystals salt when doing my water changes. That will usually keep the levels up to where they need to be, but with my busy schedule, sometimes levels drop between water changes, so having the supplements on hand is just my little security blanket.

BRS has a decent price on their supplies, but their shipping is out of hand. That is why I was looking to see if there is anything on Amazon, they have free shipping.


Well-Known Member
... Mg is about 1440...

That's doing very well in the Mg department. While it should be tested once and awhile, you have nothing to worry about. Regular water changes should easily maintain that level. Livestock depletes Mg very slowly. Save your money. Don't waste it on stuff you don't need. If you feel you must have it "just in case" put it on an order when you need to get something else. Remember, your tank isn't going to from way dopwn on thid levsr