Macro Algae ID


Active Member
I have a few sprouts of this green macro algae on a piece of rock.

The closest match I could find is Caulerpa serrulata from . The pieces in my tank don't have stalks like in the picture at marineplantbook, mine just sprouts from a spot on the rock. Does anyone else have an idea of what I have?

One more quick ID. I know its not a plant but I'll throw it in here anyway.

Is the white thing just an encrusting sponge?


Active Member
Is the serrulata safe to keep? I like it and want to keep it unless it has plans to take over.

Is there white coralline? It was never pink or red so I dont think it is a bleached piece of coralline.



Active Member
I take that back. Its a piece of bleached coralline. Had to hunt down some older photos. Shame it bleached out.



Active Member
My little serrulata is growing and throwing out a couple of runners. Am I safe to keep it? Honestly I like the way it looks so I hope it doesnt become a nuisance.


Mike Johnson

Well-Known Member
Keep it. It's easy to get rid of if it becomes overgrown. First real algae eater you get in there and you can kiss it goodbye anyway.