Looking for fish your want to sell! Spring Hill, FL

Hello I'm looking for the following, looking for the best price!
1Fathead sunburst anthias
1-4 Banggai Cardinalfish
1 Yello Boxfish
1 Angulas wrasse
1 Red saddle anthias
1 Flame Angel
1 Flame hawk fish

If you have any or all please PM with price.


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Well-Known Member
I recommend you avoid the yellow boxfish. It's very difficult to keep, and if it gets stressed it will emit a poison that can kill everything else in the tank.

As for the other fish, they are good choices,and also highly desirable. You'll be very lucky to find any one that wants to part with them. Good luck though, sometimes you find someone tearing down their tank.
Yes I have read about the yellow boxfish, and what could happen in the event the fish got stressed out. This fish was going into a tank alone, not with the other fish. Thanks for your input!

Next since this is a WTB thread...if anyone here has any of the fish, because your getting out, or just want to go into larger fish, or knows who might have them..appreciate you let me know.
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