is it their colors or something worse


hi everyone. i am kind of freaked out by my new pair of perculas. i have had them for almost a month. one of them seems to be getting black on him. it looks almost as if some kind of black dust is on him, mostly on his back to about his midsection. i have had ick in freshwater tanks so i know what that looks like, and i have heard of black ick but i don't think this is what it is because the black on my clown looks to be part of his skin, and not a parasite. when perculas get their black stripes, does the orange gradually turn black or is it like this? can anyone help me? i have a 25 gal tank with the two clowns, two scooters, a dragonet, and a star fish. any help would be greatly appriciated.


Well-Known Member
There are black percula clowns. Not sure how early they turn dark, but mine gets darker as time goes by. When I first got him, (8 mo. ago) he had about as much orange as he did black, now, nearly all blacd, with only a tiny bit of oraqnge on his nose.


Yeah, pretty much the same here. They do get darker the longer you have them. I wouls say nothing to worry about...