

New Member
hello all to write as you can understand that and translated by google translator all because I'm Italian I am writing to the problems that I have in my tank. I have an invasion of cyanobacteria
the first request and how to eradicate the bacteria the second and how can I build a ceiling light with led I can suggest some site where you can buy the material?
I tell you now that I have a bathtub 300l with only 3 small fish 3 circulation pumps ceiling light with 2 t5 54w to about 12000k light and very little so I have to get to about 300 w taking into account that I have about 1W per liter ask advice for you because here in Italy nobody can give me a hand thanks for everything and I wish you a good day


Active Member

It would also help to know how long your tank has been set up, what your lighting cycle is, and what your current water test results are for Nitrates and phosphates. Also are you using ro/di water when performing water changes and top offs.


New Member
Grazie per i consigli
Allora la vasca va circa con 10h di luce ogni giorno
Ho provato anche ad abbassare le ore e cioè a 4 ore al giorno ma nessun cambiamento
Vi posto le foto almeno vedete i miei valori attuali.
Grazie di tutto ciao