Hello everyone!


New Member
My name is Alain and I live in Los Angeles. My interest in fish and aquariums dates back to my early teens. Over the years, off and on, I have kept freshwater tanks whenever I could. Although I always enjoyed my freshwater tanks and found them beautiful, I must admit I always dreamed of having a saltwater tank with fish and coral. Initially, I did not consider it as a valid option because of the cost and the complexity. However, I finally feel like I can fit it in my budget and make the necessary commitment to learn, research and apply myself to be successful in creating and maintaining a beautiful coral reef ecosystem. I just ordered a Red Sea Max S 650 and I'm extremely excited... and a little bit scared :) I'm sure I'll have lots of questions for you all in the future. For now, I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to find out what refugium I could buy knowing it would be compatible with a Red Sea Max S 650. Any suggestions?