Handling live rocks

Do I need to do anything special?

Getting ready to call the place I got the rocks, just getting your expert opinions as well.

I was reading some other posts about people being hurt when dealing with soe types of corals and zoanthids. Didn't know if live rock could contain these too.

The Question Guy,


Contributing Member
There are many things on LR than can potentially harm you, bristle worms, mantis, shrp edges etc, etc, etc...Probably the easiest way to protect yourself is to use a pair of dish washing gloves (new) the thick kind.


If I were you, I'd put on a pair of dish gloves if you are going to handle a large quantity of live rock. Everytime I handle mine I get speared by bristleworms and my fingers itch for days. There are also some infections you can get by cutting/scratching your hands on live rock. Don't be afraid though. I always used to handle the rocks with my bare hands but I just got tired of the itching. I never worried that a monster in the rocks would bite me or something ;)
Man you guys are quick. Thanks so much for the quick replies.

Happen to have some new gloves under the sink.

I wasn't really afraid of big monsters, it is the little monsters that I worry about. That and the lack of knowledge in this field that scares me too. I have 6 IE windows up, just readinf like a mad man. Trying to search for my answers before I post with the 3 million I have.

Thanks again.



Well-Known Member
When I started 4 years ago, I never used any sort of gloves when playing in my tank without any problems. Even handling live rock and corals without any ill effect. After about 1 to 1.5 years of playing in the tank, I started to notice that I was getting rashes and red marks all over my hands and arms after them being in the water. When I went to my doctor and explained what was going on, he told me that I was developing an allergic reaction to the saltwater and toxins that accumulate in such an environment. From that point on I have worn gloves and highly recommend that people use them as well.

I am currently using veternary gloves that cover my whole arm just to be on the safe side. I get mine from a vet clinic close to where I live.


Cougra reminded me of something else. If I keep my hands in the tank water for more than a few minutes, my hands start to burn. It's REALLY bad if I touch the anemones. My hands burn for hours. It feels like I'm getting electrical shocks. In fact, one day after handling the tank (changing water) I felt shocks but figured it was just the allergy. It turned out my skimmer pump was cracked and zapping through the water. I kept putting my hands into the water like a moron. Eventually I thought to myself, "Wow, this hurts more than normal. I think something is wrong."



Active Member
i also agree on using gloves, the first time i was moving my ricks around i did not have gloves on, a bristleworm got me and i itched for weeks.


Active Member
Great info everyone. I wanted to point out that there is a thread Here on Reef Dangers.

Something Fishy, welcome to Reef Sanctuary. It's always good to have another person who lives in Misery on the board. (He'll get the joke.....for others, say it out loud).

Spooda420 and Maxx both live in St. Louis. I don't know if you ever make it to St. Louis. If you do, here is a list of

St. Louis LFS's

Doing searches is good because you will find out information that you didn't even know to ask. Also, click on the link in my signature. There are tons of great resources there.

However, don't be afraid to ask a question. A lot of people will see your question and say, "Hey, I want to know the answer to that too".