Green Bubble Tip Anenome

Hello all -

Just wanted to join in here ... I've had my GBTA for a couple weeks now, and am finally getting around to taking some photos. Right now it's in my 58 gallon tank with my pair of ocellaris clowns. I'm soon going to be moving it to the 29 gallon bio-cube after getting more LR and cycling. The bio-cube had the upgrade to the 144 watts from, so between that and the pump upgrade to the Rio 6HF and my little hydor, there's plenty of flow as well.

Anyway, enough rambling, here's a photo I took, that's my male ocellaris ... I also have a pair of porcelain anenome crabs thot host on the backside and under the GBTA. It's just too dang cute for words.




I want an anemone, but I am going to be good and wait at least six months. Maybe a year.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a bubble bath!
Be prepared for it to darken up down the road.
They are usually alot darker that the one in your picture.
Yours was probably stressed during collection and shipping.

How often do you feed it?
Yeah Victor, I haven't had the GTBA very long, the pic doesn't really do it justice as it is a little brighter green. The camera has a hard time picking up the color of it for some reason.

I try to feed a small krill or silverside every other day. I usually feed the tank on the off days of feeding the anenome. Should I not feed as often or more? I always get a little confused with feeding because some things I've read say twice a day, some say every other day, some say every day. I've found that usually every other day keeps things active and pretty healthy so that's what I've been doing. :)


Well-Known Member
Every other day sounds great.
What are you feeding it?
Some people get all all wrapped up in feeding and think they need giant chunks of stuff, but small pieces of krill and silversides work great.
My sebae will open up for liquid food even.
Hi Victor, the GBTA has been taking silversides and krill without issue. I actually thaw a small silverside and give it to it whole and it just folds up over it, same with the krill. You think I should break into pieces instead?


Well-Known Member
I think the smaller pieces are easier to digest.
Be careful about moving it to another tank particularly a newly cycled one. They really need stable parameters to thrive and that is very difficult in a small new tank. I would wait several months or longer before moving a nem into the 29g.
Yeah, I hear what you're saying Lynn, but actually I never really let the 29 become "uncycled" so to speak. After scrubbing and dipping the other rock, it went into my 58 in wait mode to be able to put it back in the 29. I do have a couple new pieces of rock, but the sand and water didn't change (other than doing a 5 gallon water change on the tank) All my LR rubble is still in the second chamber as well ... so technically, the tank has been up for over a year and the corals that were left behind are still thriving ... so I'm not really worried about moving the GBTA over.

I figured when I started this thread a couple days ago that I would have a cycle, but then I remembered all the LR in the other tank on hold. Sometimes, I would forget my head if it weren't attached. <heh> I will still be waiting a bit of time before moving it, but don't think I would have to wait months, would you?


Well-Known Member
I would keep an eye on the parameters and wait until they settle down, but I agree that your waiting should be significantly reduced.
Thanks Lynn, I will definitely do that. The lil' bugger has decided to move down and toward the back of the tank now, not sure why, he just decided to move, so now I don't see my clowns as much up top. Should I just leave him be and let him go where he wants or should I consider trying to move him back up in his orignal spot?

I know anenomes move, but dang, he sure has moved to a spot that makes it rather difficult to feed him.


Well-Known Member
It's really hard to get anemonies to move.
And they hardly ever move to where we want them to.
If the new spot is kind of dark it will probably move again to more light.


New Member
If you can, don't physcially move him, just move the rock he's on back to where you would like him to be.


My rose did the same thing so I moved my power head. I'm hoping it will not like the flow in the back and come out front. If that doesn't work then I will just move the rock to where I want it to be. I'm just scared of my clown she is BIG and not very nice. So I'm hoping I don't have to touch the rock and get near her house!!!