Fuzzy dwarf lion breeding


Well-Known Member
Ok I have a small dilemma going on here.

I have what I believe is a M/F pair of fuzzy dwarf lions (Dendrochirus brachypterus). This morning I found a gelatinous blob sitting on the rock work. It appears to be an egg mass of some sorts. The lions are the only thing in the tank so I believe it is from them.

Anybody have any info on raising them? Or where I may be able to find any info. All I can find is that they have never been raised in captivity and that the eggs will hatch in 36 hours.

Here is a pic of what I believe is the egg mass.

The loving couple.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.


Well-Known Member
The egg mass has broken up as it is supposed to. They aren't due to hatch until sometime later this evening or tonight.

I transferred the egg mass yesterday to a separate tank so their is no need to try and catch the fry.

I strained a bunch of seawater through the rotifer sieve in hopes that I can concentrate enough plankton to at least get a few to survive. For the first 48 hours post hatch they don't even have a mouth and feed off their egg sack. That will hopefully give me enough time to get a decent amount of plankton into the tank.


Well-Known Member
I was never successful at raising the fry and have since lost my female. Once I can track down some more females I will have another go at breeding them.