Cherry picks from our new sponser


Well-Known Member
Had to check out what Mary at Seacrop has.

FWIW, Mary and Marine Specialties International has done a ton to promote net caught livestock and help reduce the use of cyanide in marine collection.

I didn't see any info on this but I know Mary used to carry only net caught livestock, not sure if she is still doing this or not as I haven't kept up with the times on the industry homefront.
Anyways you folks should buy from her just for what she has helped promote in this hobby behind the scenes.

Now on to the picks:

A blasto, just for AJ:

Cynarina (looks like scolymia to me?)

These are sold, but wow, they are COOL!

I love these favias, someday I'm gonna have to make room in my tank for one:

Ok everyone, make it worth her while to sponser us and start buying from her :)


Active Member
Those are really some nice pieces. Me, I'm eyeing that gold maxima in the upper left corner of the shroom pic. :smck: