Blue Tuxedo Urchin


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone; got myself a tuxedo urchin. i just red that if he doesn't pick up stuff he's not healty. Not sure what to make of it. He's moving around very well, but hasn't pick up stuff yet. He's feeding thats certain, not much on my coraline yet. Hopefully wont decimate it. Anyone with suggestions about why he doesn't take anything. Everything his pretty much anchored, don't think he has been on the sand yet so maybe needs more time to pick up stuff there.


Mine spent a lot of time "bald" when there wasn't anything for him to get a hold of. If everything in your tank is anchored and there aren't any small chunky things for him to pick up then I wouldn't worry.

You can stick something small and loose in his path and see if he picks it up, or even set it on top of him - gently. Mine goes after snails when he can't find anything else they are difficult to pry off.


Well-Known Member
Ok thank for the advice, but maybe is not a cleptomaniac like his brothers...or just a drag queen waiting for the right dress lol. Got some small empty shells will see what he does .