any cool reef avatars?


i hate my avatar, and i havent been able to find any reef related ones to use, any ideas?? thanks alot. im not too sure how it all works either.........

thanks a bunch



you can go under user cp and go to edit options go to the bottom of the page to where the avatars are and you can create your own the image needs to be less than 100x100 pixels you can take it from your computer or from another image found on the web. Hopefully this will answer your questions


Well-Known Member
You can use your own picture.
Just find a picture somewhere on the web, and resize it with any picture program (like Paint) so that it's smaller than 100x100 pixels and no more than 16K in size.

Once you have that done, go you your user control panel (the User CP button at the top of this page), then click 'Edit Options'.
Now scroll down to where it says 'Avatar', and click the button next to your current avatar.
This should take you to a new screen... go down to where it says 'Use custom avatar', click the button that says 'yes' next to it, then select the picture from your hard drive with the 'Choose File' button... then click 'Submit Modifications' and voila! new avatar. :)
If your avatar picture is the wrong size the forum will tell you... I'm a Mac guy myself so I'm not sure how you'd change the size with Paint... somebody else may be able to fill you in on that part.



thanks nikki, ive got a way to go till i hit 500 :D BTW, is that your dog or??

have a good one
