anemone shrimp


Active Member
I was wondering if I would be able to add one of these to my tank with my current stock of fish and critters? I have 3 bta's, two were taken up by one pair of my clowns but after being in one spot for 1 1/2 yrs one of the bta's moved. So I have two bta's that they could live in. My only concern is that every once in a while I will catch one of the clowns that host over in the bta on the other side of the tank, which is the one that I want the shrimp to live in and the clown can be pretty mean when she wants. TIA


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
I have thought about adding one to my tank also but never have. I am glad I haven't since now the clowns move from one anemone to the other. You have several anemones so maybe the shrimp could live in one that your clowns do not? Let us know how it goes!


Just a reefer
LOL from the clowns perspective all anenomes are thiers. I would think it would make for an interesting battle to watch, although I dont think either side would win. Also these crabs are not guaranted to take to the anenome. I have had three and none of them would go near my bubble tips.
