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  1. M

    S-400 or E-260?

    Thanks SPR for the detailed information! I couldn't know those differences from just looking at the official website right? Or I just overlooked... Anyway, really helpful! Thanks!
  2. M

    S-400 or E-260?

    Thanks so much! But I cannot even get a good idea about the key difference between the two other than the size... e.g. the filter? light? skimmer?
  3. M

    S-400 or E-260?

    Hi everyone! I finally got some space to put an aquarium hat I dreamed for years. I’m a beginner so I plan to get one of Redsea’s all in one product. I’m looking at max E260 or S 400. They don’t seem too different to me other than size, but the s series are much more expensive. Any comments or...