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  1. J

    In-tank fuge?

    Good info, thanks all.
  2. J

    In-tank fuge?

    I'd really like to get some chaeto in my rsm250, has anyone used an in-tank fuge that suctions to the back wall with success? thanks
  3. J

    WTB: extra barbed elbows for jbj chiller

    Well...I think I will do that! I knew about the reducers, that scared me a little
  4. J

    WTB: extra barbed elbows for jbj chiller

    Hi all, bot a jbj 1/5hp on CL, seller only had the 3/4" barbed tube where the hose attaches to the chiller. Hoping someone out there with a similar jbj chiller has a pair of the 5/8" barbed elbows laying around that I can take off their hands. Thanks, Jon in Charlotte
  5. J

    Fish keep dying

    Thanks again for all the input everyone. Just ran new tests. Refractometer puts salinity right at 1.025. Using my API SW Master Test Kit I just drew the following results: pH - 8.2-8.3 Ammonia - not easy to interpolate but just a slight tint of green, so maybe .10 ppm. This is an...
  6. J

    Fish keep dying

    More I think about FireGal's post the more I think of the sequence of me adding fish one at a time (on 2 occasions not knowing that as I brought a new guy home from the LFS b/c I thought things were going good only to find another one had passed in the prior 24 hrs), if such a predator exists...
  7. J

    Fish keep dying

    I have no idea. If so, what's the course of action?
  8. J

    Fish keep dying

    The LFS threw out voltage as a last ditch answer when they ran out of other possibilities. I know nothing of such electrical things but only a 12 yr old house.
  9. J

    Fish keep dying

    Hey Goma, still running your protein skimmer on this tank. Started with all base rock (about 75lbs) and 40lbs of live sand, plus my home made RODI, and a 8.45 oz Biospira. I had been running a 29g cube for a year or so, took 2 small pieces of rock from it to seed the base rock. Choraline is...
  10. J

    Fish keep dying

    I have a refractometer and watch it pretty closely. From what I understand, the corals would react first to a salinity problem, right? As far as water changes, my LFS said stability was very important now so as advised I've only been changing 5g (of the 65g in tank) once a month. If the...
  11. J

    Fish keep dying

    Also, I am sure if anything, as a typical amateur, they are being over and not under fed. Frozen, either Marine Blend or straight Mysis.
  12. J

    Fish keep dying

    I know I have done that sometimes, but maybe not every time, but once again I will ask if they'd live 3-4 weeks if it was an acclimation issue.
  13. J

    Fish keep dying

    Best I can recall I just floated them for 30 min or so. Would they have all made it several weeks if acclimation was the problem? I will do another parameter test this afternoon
  14. J

    Fish keep dying

    Never more than 3 at a time, all small, and was just 2 chromis for the first several weeks. So let's say it's something bad already in the tank, what then? Take everything out and treat the whole tank ?!?!?!
  15. J

    Fish keep dying

    No controller. BUt every time one dies there are one or two more in the tank that are doing fine, and as mentioned so are ALL the corals. And I should mention chromis #3 is in there now and has been for about 6-7 weeks so he has bucked the trend. Only other current swimmer is a pseudochromis...
  16. J

    Fish keep dying

    Ok, as the title implies, this is not a happy post. Started up a RSM 250 that I bought off CL. Been running about 4 months, started stocking it after 2 months. Pre-stock parameters were very good, just as they are now. A variety of corals are all doing great, as are inverts. Temp a little on the...
  17. J

    WTB: RSM 250 skimmer pump

    Ok, still learning. Know I wound up somewhere where I needed to have 25+ posts, obviously forgot where that was.
  18. J

    WTB: RSM 250 skimmer pump

    Sorry for the faux pas, but I don't have 25 posts yet so can't post in RSM section. Bought a used RSM 250 and surprise, surprise the skimmer pump doesn't work. New ones are just $100 so don't want to pay near that for a used pump that goes bad in no time, but if anyone has an extra for whatever...
  19. J

    WTB: RSM 250 skimmer

    As I just told goma that is very generous, not as much for the hardware that wasn't being used anyway but the time and effort to find, package and send to someone he doesn't know. Holiday season at its finest. I hope I can repay the favor someday to one of you.