Search results

  1. M

    Can you ID this PinkFish?

    I'm with you on that one Tarasco: That certainly looks like Labracinus genus to hme, and I could definitely see it being a Labracinus cyclophthalmus (Dampiera Grouper):
  2. M

    Ricordia not splitting

    I have found a method that work for me. I will place the ricordea at a vertical angle and the tissue will start to stretch down (trust me this strecthing is very visible). Then i just cut that tissue with a exacto knife. If you aren't up for the wait, that method works for me. -Erik
  3. the 30gal 07/04/2004

    the 30gal 07/04/2004

  4. base


  5. Open


  6. side


  7. stand


  8. top


  9. M

    Oh no not again

    Haha, sure, but I only have an empty one and a little prop tank. I moved a few months back and am in the process of setting up my tank. Prop tank: Frag in prop...
  10. M

    Oh no not again

    Well just when I thought I couldn't find another forum worth joining I met a few folks from this great place and stumbled on in. Just wanted to say hi. -Erik