Search results

  1. Imperator

    Decisions decisions

    There are several 180 oceanics available that are obsolete models.I also saw a 90 bowfront and some others. My problem with having a 180 is outfitting the tank for a reef would be cost prohibitive.I.E. 1200-1600 watts of MH,turning that tanks volume over like I would want.not to metion all...
  2. Imperator

    Seachem Pinnacle R/O

    Does anyone have any experience with these? I have an opportunity to get a new one dirt cheap (read free,I hope) but if I can't get parts or membranes for it it won't be much use after a while. Thanks
  3. Imperator

    Hello All

    I actually never kept a reef tank at home:( Why? well I managed a LFS in NY for about 18 years and I guess I had the attitude of enough is enough when I got home and also time was a factor as anyone in retail knows. I met an awesome lady this year and bagged the job and moved to Tampa from NY...