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  1. H

    Green patches forming on my live sand

    I agree with DaveK, algea growth. Vacum out and stir up the sandbed a little, this will make it look alot better then just stay on it. Robert
  2. H

    Hurricane Sandy/Power Outage preparedness

    Guys get a 12 volt converter and in a pinch just hook it up to your car and run the engine off and on to keep the battery in the car charged and you can run a heater and a power head or two that way ... this from experience .. 900W converter should do it. HTH Robert
  3. H

    CHAETO TO GO- Time to clean out the Fuge

    Im in for two, let me know where to send the M.O. Robert
  4. H

    Captured Mantis Shrimp

    Hey if you're goin to get rid of it, give to me.
  5. H

    hello everyone

    Hello everybody