Search results

  1. chadwick

    Interested in macro alge

    Not sure what kind you are looking for I have some Ulva. It floats on top of my water in the sump. It grows well and you can feed it to your fish.
  2. chadwick

    Live Rock From Premium Aquatics Help!!

    My guess on your green trees would be maidens hair aka turtle grass. Great for pods.
  3. chadwick

    Is this just a 6 armed brittlestar

    So this little fellow is a brittle star?
  4. chadwick

    What's the fluffiest leather toadstool?help me choose[/IMG] A pic of the parent stock of my snowflake
  5. chadwick

    Is this just a 6 armed brittlestar I know I need a better camera
  6. chadwick

    Is this just a 6 armed brittlestar

    Found this little guy last nite. He looks like a brittle star to me but he has 6 arms. Some of his arms longer then the others. He was on top of my leaf algae. Pic coming lol
  7. chadwick

    What's the fluffiest leather toadstool?help me choose

    I got my toadstool from aqua corals. it is a long poyld coral. It is a snowflake. It is about 5 to six inches tall. She makes sure everything is healthy before she ships them out. I also bought a greem cabbage from her on that order and got 10 free atrea snails. Second order from her I got a...
  8. chadwick

    asternia star

    I had a few of these in my tank a while back. I cleaned my tank and got new sand for the tank. I still have a few of them but nothing like I had before I removed the sand. I like them.
  9. chadwick

    Side-by-side Biocube Refugium

    ok hope this worked picture of my sump by my tank. Have shut offs on intake and return. It does not pump as much water as I like it works. 34 gallon rsm20 gallon sump. 3/4 inch pvc pipe. U tube made out of pvc. drilled hole in top of pvc u tube inserted a airline with a shut off on end of the...
  10. chadwick

    Coral foods

    I have had a few corals for a month now. All I do is blow the live rocks with my power head a few times a week. Noticed two days ago toadstool has new growth. I also have a few pods and give brine shrimp once so far. plus whatever gets by the fish.
  11. chadwick

    need help

    I made a 20 g long for my 34gal rsm You can always do that. I have my skimmer in the first part refrigum in the second then the return. I put pods in both the sump and the dt. Been a month now seem to be doing ok so far. I was wanting a mandrine too but will have to wait and see how the pods do.
  12. chadwick

    feeding your corals

    Yes matt I see that . That is what makes this hobby so hard to figure out. Different people do different things and does get confusing for the new reefer. Be a good idea to get some of you old salties to be mentors for new people coming into the hobby. Be more one on one instead of six or seven...
  13. chadwick

    feeding your corals

    I was not trying to cause a fight here. I was just interested to see how fellow reefers feed their coarls. I see it varies from reefer to reefer. I am sure in the wild these corals get what they get it the water and what ever piece of fish happens to fall on them. Corals are animals is...
  14. chadwick

    feeding your corals

    I was just wondering how people feed there corals? I have just used my power head and blow what has collected on my live rock. I do this about two times a week. A little over a month ago I put pods in my sump and some in the dt. my first corals have been in almost a month now [a toadstool and...
  15. chadwick

    tiny starfish good or bad?

    I read somewhere if it has more then 5 arms it should go.
  16. chadwick

    Is this a type of snail?

    Just have my phone to take a picture with. That was the best one out of the five I took. I found a thread here and it is a s snail. I have had this live rock 18 months. I guess breaking a few pieces of it up brought out some live out of it I never had before. Never had plants growing on it but...
  17. chadwick

    Is this a type of snail?

    Ok found this little guy last night. I think it is a snail. From what i could find on the internet but not real sure. No it is not the best pic hope it is enough to make out.
  18. chadwick

    Reef tank overview want to make sure I'm doing it right

    I have shut off on my out take from the dt. I then have a shut off and a baffle in the return line. The shut off valve on the return controls water from sump back to dt. The baffle is there for loss of power that water will not return back into the sump.
  19. chadwick

    wrong algae growning

    Tank readings 8/11/2012 temp 77 sal 1.023 ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 0 phos 0 kh 8 {143.2} ph 8.0 to 8.1 cal 380. Bought chetos for the sump same light as lfs was useing to grow theirs. I noticed it was not doing well so I took out my poly filter for phos. then a few days later brought I...
  20. chadwick

    rsm 130 overflow box ?

    I do it the same way as you do. I put 3/4 inch pvc pipe that takes water from the main tank. Not much fun starting it but practice it will get better. I have a floss filter at the end of the pipe that puts water to the sump. i have a shut off valve on both line going to and from the tank with a...