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  1. cindys

    Catching fish

    okay, I'm bad and didn't quarantine and now whole display tank is infected. I have 13 fish and have only been able to catch 3.....I know some think we should be smarter than fish but have tried several things including 2liter clear bottle with top cut off and food down in it. Caught cleaner...
  2. cindys

    Open brain T Radiata help

    So my kids bought me a T radiata open brain coral for Christmas (something I would never have bought for myself) is the question: The LFS told me to put it onto a "domed place on a rock" because he says they don't like being on the sand (it has a flat bottom). Most everything I read...
  3. cindys

    Help with button polyps

    I have a button polyp frag that has been doing really well. It has 4 heads on it and suddenly tonight one of the heads curled under very tightly. The other 3 heads are open as usual and all 4 are still bright green and healthy looking. Don't see anything on them. Any thoughts of what it...
  4. cindys

    Moving mini-maxi carpet anemone help

    my carpet anemone has finally decided to move from his rock. He is moving right toward my crocea clam. Should I worry?
  5. cindys

    Setting recommendations for AI lights

    Just getting started with 90g corals yet. Got AI Super Blue Sol lights with controller and have figured out how to program them, but don't really know what settings are best. Right now have 2 purple firefish, a shrimp goby, and a percula but plan to start adding corals in a month or...
  6. cindys

    Hi from Colorado

    Have been aquarium lover forever and converted 55G freshwater to salt about 15 years ago and fish have done well but never could get corals to survive. Recently switched to 90G reef-ready tank and am still in cycling stage.....trying really hard to be patient and not add anything too early...