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  1. NeoSeaWolf

    Algae assistance

    Have had my 30 gal tank for a little over a year, everything was peachy up until about 2 months ago, there is a fine/fragile/hairlike green algae that has just taken off like wildfire. I thought it was old lighting so I replace my old light bulb (Orbit 90w 50/50 dual daylight compact...
  2. NeoSeaWolf

    PC bulb question. When to change?

    How can one know if the PC bulbs are due for a change? Is it just a matter of knowing how long they've been used? I bought my Orbit PC 2x96w dual day/actinic blue combo lights back in May 06I've been running them from 12 noon to 11pm, since. My 30 gal tank was intended as a FOWLR tank, but...
  3. NeoSeaWolf

    Tank Boiled!

    I work night shifts. Came home today and my condo had the unusual smell of seawater/fishtank (it never has before). Yesterday evening I plugged in a 100Watt Visi-Therm brand glass heater set at 76 (my place stays pretty warm year round so I had removed the heater over the summer, but it was...
  4. NeoSeaWolf

    CPR Bak Pak - Refugium Mod?

    Hi folks. I finally found a good priced CPR Bak Pak protein skimmer for my 30 gallon tank. It came with the bio bale. Its running smoothly and effectively, albeit it a bit noisy. Has anyone done a mod of the bio bale chamber and made a refugium of it? I was thinking I could remove the...
  5. NeoSeaWolf

    Kenya tree coral

    Kenya tree coral again Kenya tree -Is it a nuisance? A local former saltwater aquarist is breaking down his tank and selling all his live rock (I need about 30lbs). He says is full of Kenya tree coral. I have no other corals in my tank. WIll this stuff spread like a weed in the tank? Should I...
  6. NeoSeaWolf

    Macroalgae Question

    Hello folks. Quick question on algae. I have a 3 month old 30g setup, moslty live rock with a stow away anemone of some type and lots of feather duster worms. 5 fish and others (see below). Anyway, a nice young gal at my LFS gave me two small clippings of macroalgae for my tank. A piece...
  7. NeoSeaWolf

    First Post-Mystery critter.

    First off, let me thank all of you for posting so much useful information.:thumbup: I've set up a 30 gallon tank about three months ago (pics to come). Thus far I have only about 15lbs of live rock on a 4 inch live sand bed. I have three small chromis and a yellow/organge colored damsel...