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  1. russell

    Bubble Coral

    A few pics of My bubble coral with the Irish sun streaming through the tank!!!!!
  2. russell

    What Super glue should I use

    Use Milliput specialy made for this purpose. it is coraline in colour
  3. My two favourites

    My two favourites

    Copperband 3 years on
  4. My two favourites

    My two favourites

    Regal 4 inches still showing it's Juvenile colours They usualy loose there colour by this time????
  5. russell

    Brown Algea is back from the Phosphates!

    Is it brown algea or redish???? if it's redish this is slime algea and is usualy down to overfeeding, try cutting down food. frozen cubes are the worst causes of this. try dry flake for a while. also Antifos Fe works a treat and dosn't leech back into the water
  6. Two for one

    Two for one

    Fiji Elegans parent Coral and the split. the main coral had one head and two stems, the parent head tore itself apart across it's head to produce a second head on the other stem, this took about 5 months,
  7. Two for one

    Two for one

    Fiji Elegans parent Coral and the split. the main coral had one head and two stems, the parent head tore itself apart across it's head to produce a second head on the other stem, this took about 5 months,
  8. Gold Maxima ???

    Gold Maxima ???

    Just lately this maxima changed from a bluish colour to a more golden brown. seems healthy any ideas as to colour change?
  9. BLACK_CAP_1


    Black cap gramma inspecting new surroundings
  10. Stark's Damsel

    Stark's Damsel

    Has grown to over 3 inches, a stunning fish
  11. final_tank_1


    Tank intro. 5x2x2 with 30 gal sump