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  1. T

    Longnose Filefish / Orange Spotted Filefish / Harlequin Filefish

    Everything is back to normal, but I suppose next time I'll need to find a new neighbor.The filefish is pretty happy these days, though very picky about his food. Some mornings it will only eat mysis shrimp, others absolutely nothing but sponge. it loves the sponge, it will even eat it while it's...
  2. T

    Longnose Filefish / Orange Spotted Filefish / Harlequin Filefish

    So I'm back from my trip (picked up a nice big 8" pipe organ) and my fish aren't looking too good. So, Ive fed them like 6 times in the last two hours and I'll continue for another hour before going to bed. Otherwise, still alive. The Filefish seems to have done the best actually. The temp...
  3. T

    Longnose Filefish / Orange Spotted Filefish / Harlequin Filefish

    I will definately contact CORAL as soon as I can. Turns out I'm only going away for a full day, and yes I've pre-portioned the food. My particular fish must be an odd one out if you had to do all that to get them to eat your food. Today I actually tried the different foods my local store has in...
  4. T

    Longnose Filefish / Orange Spotted Filefish / Harlequin Filefish

    Matt, Thank you very much for the lengthy response. Unfortunately, I have not had the chance to read your article. I followed your link but that is only a teaser of the full article. I don't believe that CORAL magazine is sold where I live up in northern Canada. Is there any other way I...
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    Longnose Filefish / Orange Spotted Filefish / Harlequin Filefish

    This new thread is to discuss any and anything about Oxymonacanthus longirostris. This fish is on many "do not buy" lists and is widely considered to have too high of a mortality rate to keep in personal marine tanks. However, things have changed recently and more and more people have been able...
  6. T

    Is This A Bad Hitchhiker Crab?please Help...

    Hey, so I've got a reef tank with some fairly delicate fish in it right now and I've spotted my own little black crab invader. I described it to the very experienced owner of the local fish store and she warned me to kill it right away. Mine sounds the same, black with hairy legs and you...