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  1. Decorahvikes

    Controlling Caulerpa

    What would do a good job of eating the large amounts of Caulerpa that grow in my tank?
  2. Decorahvikes

    RSM 130, 130D and 130C Mods

    Hey I was just wondering what you all have done to modify your RSM. I'm going to (hopefully) do some modifications to mine and I just want to get some ideas. Thanks! P.S. If you could include pics it would help a lot!
  3. Decorahvikes

    Hey everybody!

    Hello everbody! My dad and I have had our RSM for about a year and a half and we still have lots of questions. I just found this website the other day and I love the fact that there's a whole RSM owners forum! Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting some help and getting to know everone!