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  1. G

    My Anemones

    Its been a while since Ive posted a picture of my tank here. 2.5yr old 75g softie reef. The green long tentacle anemone on the left has been in the tank over 2years, I got the red long tentacle from a fellow hobbyist who was shutting his tank down. The red has been in the tank a month and a half...
  2. G

    Scheduled Sunday Chat

    Scheduled Sunday Chat is tonight at 9pm eastern time. Im there a little early, so come on in and lets talk Reefing.
  3. G

    A few new pics.

    Some new pics from this weekend.
  4. G

    Butterfly FOWLR Questions.

    Im considering the idea of setting up a butterfly based fowlr, and I would like opinions from butterfly keepers on tank size(I know larger is better) and compatability. The fish that Im interested in would be: Golden (C. semilarvatus), Red Sea Raccoon (C. fasciatus) (would substitute reg...
  5. G

    My Amplexidiscus fenestrafer

    My Amplexidiscus fenestrafer (Giant Cup Mushroom). This picture was taken about 2 months ago when it was expanding to approximately 16inches in diameter. I have since restacked my rockwork, in the process tearing the foot of the Amplexidiscus. It has recovered from the tear, and I have...