Moving an Anemone in the Lagoon

Sharon Rice

New Member
During a dive yesterday in the lagoon, I found a new carpet anemone and single clownfish in a rather poor location. We have anemone in multiple spots across in our diving areas, so this one is recent. It's very small (size of a baseball) with one single clownfish, but in a poor location, where it will not thrive well. This location, which is in open sand and dead coral, also is susceptible current and other factors including predators. Can I move said anemone (and clownfish, to a another location (50 feet away) where it will be protected and able to thrive or will it do so on it's own?


Well-Known Member
Check with your local laws and regulations. Sometimes you just have to let natural selection and nature work it's course.
Edit: Welcome to ReefSanctuary!!!


Well-Known Member
I would leave it alone. It's very hard to move an anemone without damaging it, even in an aquarium, let alone in the ocean.

Besides, anemones cam move themselves if they are not happy with their environment. It may be in a place it likes, even though you think it could do better someplace else.