Recent content by rodriguez

  1. R

    Killing apstasia

    aiptasia x works great
  2. R

    how to download pictures

    guys how can i download some pictures of my tank and posted????
  3. R

    RS Members Full Tank Shots

    sorry can't post pics
  4. R

    hammerhead gold barracuda hybrid

    I will be working on re-doing all water return lines on Wednesday so i can install this new pump and see if i can get what i need on flow issues. thanks
  5. R

    hammerhead gold barracuda hybrid

    lol thanks
  6. R

    hammerhead gold barracuda hybrid

    Thank you
  7. R

    hammerhead gold barracuda hybrid

    I order a Hammerhead Gold Barracuda Hybrid and it came with an additional Impeller, i know that 1 is for 5555 GPH and the other one is for 4680 GPH but how do i know witch one is for what???/ do any one here knows???thanks.. 1 impeller is gold and the other one is brown/gray
  8. R

    Need help with return pump

    need some help, i am moving my 300 gallon reef tank on next Thursday and i am using MAG24 for my return pump under the tank but the new location the sump will be about 18 feet long and about 10 feet high, the question is do the MAG 24 will be good or which pump do you guys think i need i was...
  9. R

    Premium member advantages

    can a new guy with basic knowledge like me become a Premium member ???:angel1:
  10. R

    Moving the tank

    let me get this right Matt, i will have to replace all my old water with new water??
  11. R

    Moving the tank

    I am planning to move my tank from my garage to my living room, my question to you all is what problems should i be prepare to encounter with the water by moving the tank besides having a risk of breaking the tank???? thanks ( the tank has been running for 7 months).
  12. R

    Uv sterilizers

    I am dealing with some green algae and red slime do you guys think that a UV Sterilizers will help maintain these issues and it will be a good investment, also i have heard that it help with parasites is this true??? thanks guys.
  13. R


    well i finally got him out of the tank and place it in qt, will see if he can win this battle, thanks guys
  14. R


    I will give a try to catch him one more time and i will keep you guys posted, thanks for the reply