Recent content by old1

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    Major Caulerpa Brachypus Problem, Help!!

    caulapia contains a poison called avoid eating it.drop the temp below 78 degrees for a few hours,caulopia are sensative to cold.but don,t waste it take a sprig ove it dry it out over night,then crumpllt it up and sprinkle it on top of water as fish food.poisn is volatile and...
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    Major Caulerpa Brachypus Problem, Help!!

    caulapia contains a poison called avoid eating it.drop the temp below 78 degrees for a few hours,caulopia are sensative to cold.but don,t waste it take a sprig ove it dry it out over night,then crumpllt it up and sprinkle it on top of water as fish food.poisn is volatile and...
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    natural aquatic vivarium

    hello i have kept tanks for 60 yrs-reefs 17 0f those yrs.currently setting up a temperary natural reeftank,on the way to a natural aquatic i can learn about keeping sea pansy.barnical colons ,sponges,ujtemety jellys and nautilus etc.wish me luck.