Recent content by Devonvincent98

  1. D

    Can a ebili angel and a queen angel mix

    I have a 75 gallon reef with two clownfish, a firefish, three pajama cardinals, a ebili angel and a powder brown tang and a 2 inch blue tang as I want to get a queen angel about 3 inches as my final fish and I was wondering if they would mix together? My ebili is fine and happy so please help
  2. D

    Adding a tang with a powder brown

    We'll I ended up getting a baby blue tang that's like an inch and a half maybe and after I acclimted him I noticed he has white spots could tees be stress spots. And my powder brown hasn't chased him hasn't nipped him hasn't did anything maybe he's just a nice one
  3. D

    Adding a tang with a powder brown

    I have a powder brown tang and I want to get another tang and I know the danger and everything but I have a 75 gallon reef tank with 40 pounds of live rock and the other 40 are coming in the mail in like an hour but I want to get a blue tang really but I know that when they get big I'm going to...
  4. D

    Red stripe angel and powder brown fighting

    Ok yea the angel with hide and the tang will like stick his lips in their and will chase the angel over and over again. He did it constantly this morning
  5. D

    Red stripe angel and powder brown fighting

    Ok thanks yea I'm going to get a bigger tank a little later on. But it will stop in a day?
  6. D

    Red stripe angel and powder brown fighting

    I haves a 75 gallon reef tank with live sand and about 40 pounds of live rock and I'm getting 40 more in the mail in a few days of dead rock and I have two clownfish, three pajama cardinals, purple firefish, a powder brown tang, a scooter blenny and a red stipe angel. With corals too. The pb...
  7. D

    Tang scratching but no ich

    Ok and I have green star polyps and I literally 10 minutes ago got a bubble coral but I also got vitality from searches beacuse the guy at my fish store had a 300 gallon reef tank that beautiful and he said it's better because it has vitamin c and amino acids and stuff
  8. D

    Tang scratching but no ich

    No it doesn't look like that it's super tiny towards the top I his head and he is eating fine I let the algae just float through the tank and he attacked it and he is acting fine but he does scratch a bit and he keeps going to the cleaner shrimp for help like it's relieving him and he turns a...
  9. D

    Tang scratching but no ich

    And I was watching him today and it looks like he has some black spots on top towards his head where he was scratching and I can't find any good pictures of black ich. But if it is how would I treat it in a reef tank because I did have a quarantine tank but it broke during the move to New York...
  10. D

    Tang scratching but no ich

    It pretty much needed to be cleaned because they hadn't did it in awhile but what can I do to get him to et nori because I put it on the clip and he doesn't even go near it
  11. D

    Tang scratching but no ich

    The fish store didn't have really good water quality could it scratch because it went from bad to good
  12. D

    Tang scratching but no ich

    I have a 75 gallon reef tank I have two occelaris clownfish and 3 pajama cardinals and a purple firefish and and powder brown tang. I got my powder brown tang two days ago and he has been scratching a bit but he has no spots and the fish store had him for 3 months and I seen him eat so I know he...
  13. D

    4 tangs in 75 gallon

    I have a 75 gallon reef tank with 3 pajama cardinals and two occelaris clownfish and I really want two have a blue tang a yellow tang a powder blue and a powder brown tang but they are all about two inches long and when they get big u will trade them in for more but could I keep them in their...
  14. D

    Blue tang with I think flukes

    Yea like cotton balls
  15. D

    Blue tang with I think flukes

    I looked a titans it's not the lymphocytis virus it looks like flukes from everything I've looked at but I'm going to be getting a bigger tank soon