Recent content by dani89

  1. dani89

    fish tank

    cool thankyou im abit strapped for cash at the moment but i think i will start on a fresh water tank then work my way up luv dani xxxxxx
  2. dani89

    EMERGENCY- Tank Crashing Fast!!!

    the fish in my mums fish tank keep dieing i think that she used the tetracycline as well and no other fiosh have died yet luv dani89 xxxxxxxxx
  3. dani89

    Photo Critique Thread

    i like the goby's i would love one of them in my fish tank
  4. dani89

    fish tank

    hi im hopefully going to get a fish tank in the next few weeks but because it will be my first fish tank i don't know whether to get mareen fish tank or a tropical one do any of you have any ideas which one i should have first ps thankyou for replying to my first thread love dani
  5. dani89

    new tank

    mum ur tank is going great but then mantis shrimps look like cockroaches just please keep it away from me thanks love you xxxxxxxxxxx
  6. dani89


  7. dani89


    thankyou johnny that is very nice of you i will need a bit of help when i set up my nano tank so i will definitly ask you about that. have you got any ideas of any nice fish i can put in there? luv dani xxxxxxxxxx ps my mum has told me alot about you and that she is very pleased to have you...
  8. dani89


    mum i can't get on chat sorry see you tonight luv dani xxxxxxxx
  9. dani89


    thankyou i will take your advise luv dani89 xxxxxxxxxx
  10. dani89


    Hello, My name is danielle and i am 15. I am hopeing to start a nano tank up in my bedroom [if mum and dad let me] now that my brother has left home i can have the bigger room. My mum introduced me to RS and salt water tanks because she has one and is a member here {sarah}. Even though she nows...