Recent content by beholder

  1. B

    Spray Bar or Nozzle

    Since you have a 24 gallon, the 190 gph should be fine out of the M 1.9. As for the number of holes and size of the holes, a nice rule of thumb is to balance the area of the holes out of your spray bar with the area of the outlet of your pump. That will (in theory) give you the same force water...
  2. B

    GA Aquarium Pics

    Philip, Forgot to mention - if you'd like, you may host the video on my site. I am going to generate an aquarium section in the near future anyway to dedicate to the Georgia Aquarium and my own knock off of it (newly setup 20 gallon tank). Just PM me if you are interested and I can set you up...
  3. B

    GA Aquarium Pics

    I have the fortunate disposition of living with the Georgia Aquarium in my backyard. I've been twice thus far, and would highly recommend going during non-peak times, but with the newness of the aquarium, I'm not sure that there is any at the moment. I was able to go for a business function with...
  4. B

    Planning first SW aquarium

    One tip for getting good inexpensive LR is to buy locally from someone who is breaking down a tank. You can generally get it for $2 - $3 a pound, depending on how urgently the person would like to offload it - this sure beats the $6 - $7 price tag that one generally finds at LFS and online for...
  5. B

    New 20 gallon tank

    Thanks Lynn - discussion is key it seems. After you rasied the issue, I did some more reading on the aggressiveness of the gramma basslet from various sources and it seems they are more docile than their clownfish brethren. I'll have to introduce the gramma first before the two clowns. Thanks...
  6. B

    New 20 gallon tank

    Lynn, Thanks for the good advice. On second thought, I remembered I would be going out of town for the weekend, so a fish purchase at this juncture would be folly =) As for the planning stage, that has already come and gone. The planned stock will be: 2 percula clownfish 1 royal gramma 1...
  7. B

    New 20 gallon tank

    I tested my parameters today (after ~24 hours) and found some interesting parameters. pH: 8.2 Ammonia: 0.0 Nitite: 0.0 Nitrate: 0 Alkalinity: 3.5 mEq/L Could it be that I had no tank cycle? I was expecting at least a little die off from the 10 minute transportation, but the LR must...
  8. B

    New 20 gallon tank

    Thanks for the advice everyone. After further inspection, also seems I have a patch of bryopsis (on the lower right hand side). After reading about pitched battles, I think I should remove it, but it does look so nice and friendly =) I have read that if nutrients are limited, it will die back...
  9. B

    New 20 gallon tank

    Well, I asked a few questions earlier on this forum, and at long last, I have setup the tank, so I thought I would thank those who helped with my questions as well as post some pictures of the process and the setup as it now stands. Got the second-hand setup about a week ago, pretty encrusted...
  10. Painting


    Painting back of tank with semi-gloss latex paint
  11. Filling


    Filling tank with salt water
  12. Before


    Before cleaning equipment with vinegar (1:4)
  13. After


    After cleaning equipment with dilute vinegar (1:4)
  14. Tank7


  15. Right_Side1

