Recent content by 26lilsam

  1. 2

    Snail with a half shell?

    I have 4 clownfish n 2 denzels I have just did a water change let have a spectra rodi system I don't over feed my fish now I took 2 shrimp to start my ammonia cycle everything was good I had got dry liverocks n some cured liverocks yes my skimmer pulls skimmate out
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    Snail with a half shell?

    I have a 120g my tank is about two and a half months for some reason my ammonia keep spiking I let it cycle I have about 160 lbs of live rocks I have about 120 lbs of live sand I have a 30g sump I have a mag 2400 to return the water back to the sump I have a reef octopus 200ext classic skimmer
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    Snail with a half shell?

    Can my live rocks cause my ammonia to spike