Tank update: 8-12-2005


Here is an update of my tank


And here are my hitchiker mushrooms. There are 7 of them now!


And here is my shrimpy. I think he's getting used to my hand cause today he jumped on it and started cleaning it. Felt weird but cool.


Here are some unknowns that are growing on my rock. I have no clue what they are.. ID maybe please??


Here is my hair algae problem.


I was going to take a picture of Nemo but he freaks out when I walk up to the tank with the camera, and I can't get a decent shot.

Casualties: One zebra snail that died shortly after bringing home from LFS. Never moved. One day found him half-eaten on a rock. Yuck.

Scary times: Morning after bringing cleaner shrimp home. Saw his molting remains on a rock and freaked out, but then I saw him behind a rock.

Red legged hermit molted, and looked like a shell-less half eaten corpse, I thought that the other hermit killed him and stole his shell. The 'dead' hermit showed up 2 days later all in one piece.

Tank Inhabitants: 2 zebra snails, 2 red legged hermits, 1 ocellaris clownfish, 1 skunk cleaner shrimp, 7 hitchiker mushrooms, 3 hitchiker pseudocorynactis anemones, and NUMEROUS aiptasias.

Feedings: I feed the clown twice a day, the mornings with Formula 1 pellets with garlic, and in the evening I feed him and the shrimp a mix of mysis and brine shrimp. After the lights go out I feed the pseudocorynactis anemones (they are nocturnal) brine shrimp.

Sorry about such a long report! Heh.


Ichthy Inquisitor
Looking good Zack! Get rid of the hair algae. I would suggest getting a peppermint shrimp (make sure it is the one that eats apatasia). I got one and all my apatasia is gone! :bigbounce



And this is what the mushrooms looked like once they first opened up, about a week after putting the live rock in.


Quite an improvement, I must say!


Tank looks like it's getting off to a good start. Those shrooms are SWEET!!! I bet they'll have green stripes when they get really settled in! Awesome...I love shrooms!



The Wand Geek was here. ;)
Looking good Zack! Make sure to pinch/vacuum that hair algae out during a water change so no spores are left floating around.