sad anemones


New Member
hey guys!

i'm from New Zealand and this would be my first post on this forum, i've had my tank setup for about 9 months now. i've got a 400L display, 100L ref and a 200L sump. for the last 5 months they have been fine but for the last week they have decided to sulk up and retract to a very small size in the morning, but then look a little better in the afternoon after the mh has been on but still not looking 100% like they normally are.

i've got a corn bulb anemone, carpet anemone and a rose bta

dkh - 8 (measurement taken from main display with blue lights on, salifert kit)
no3 - slightly elevated
po4 - slightly elevated
salinity - 1.025
mg - 1120ppm
ph - 8.13 (measurement taken from sump with blue lights on)
ph - 8.16 (measurement taken from main display with blues on)
ph - 8.25 (measurement taken from sump display with mh & blues on)
ph - 8.32 (measurement taken from main display with mh & blues on)

i used the same ph probe to measure.


New Member
We'll not really a ball, but carpet anemone is about 20cm during the afternoon but 3-5cm in the morning, they just look deflated.

I'll take some photos tomorrow morning.


Mine does this every few weeks.. it will become about 1/10 of its normal size, then by the next day it looks perfectly normal. I have read this is normal and they do this to flush out the water in they system periodically. The thing that does sound strange is if you have more than one anemone doing this at the same time..


My RBTA does that when I need to change the water. After the water change it's fine.
Good luck.


New Member
Right.. this morning the anemones looked fine, but when the blue lights came on and about 1 and a half hours later they are sulking again. Could it be the blue lights?


My nem definitely has preferences. It will either "sulk" or move around when the lights degrade or the water flow doesn't suit it. But, it is a great indicator of water quality for me. It rules the tank!
Do your blue lights come on at the same time the others come on or do they turn on and off before and after the others? I changed mine to come on at the same time as the whites. It's not as pretty but there is less algae for me and maybe your nems will be happier.


New Member
My nem definitely has preferences. It will either "sulk" or move around when the lights degrade or the water flow doesn't suit it. But, it is a great indicator of water quality for me. It rules the tank!
Do your blue lights come on at the same time the others come on or do they turn on and off before and after the others? I changed mine to come on at the same time as the whites. It's not as pretty but there is less algae for me and maybe your nems will be happier.

Blues 10am -> 10pm
MH - 12pm -> 8pm

I dont have aglae problems :)