reducing nirates level ...?


I am changing my filttering system from consister filters to sump with turff scrubber and i thought that replacing my socks filter with LR rubble , but i am afraid to have a dirty tank ,,
what are the pro and cons for this changings ??
all i want to do reduce my nitrate levels tank is 180 gal havey fish stock
with few corals ,, please help ?


Well-Known Member
If you are referring to a filter sock, then I would leave it. It provides good mechanical filtration as a starting point as long as it is kept clean. The LR rubble will actually do the opposite and allow detrius to become trapped only to decay and produce more nitrates.
If reducing nitrates is your goal then I would add a quality protein skimmer and increase water changes.
That will make a lot of difference.


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
Hi Markm3. I too battle with high nitrAtes in my overstocked grow out system. Due to the frequent feedings of hundreds of fish, my trates are around 40-60ppm and the phosphates are super high.
I perform daily water changes when vacuuming the tank bottoms and I also have a huge skimmer but neither can keep the trates and Po4 down.

I am considering an algae scrubber or dosing vodka....

If you go the 'algae scrubber' route, please keep me posted! I would be very curious to know how you set it up and if it works for you.


Hi Markm3. I too battle with high nitrAtes in my overstocked grow out system. Due to the frequent feedings of hundreds of fish, my nitrates are around 40-60ppm and the phosphates are super high.
I perform daily water changes when vacuuming the tank bottoms and I also have a huge skimmer but neither can keep the trates and Po4 down.

I am considering an algae scrubber or dosing vodka....

If you go the 'algaee scrubber' route, please keep me posted! I would be very curious to know how you set it up and if it works for you.
sorry for my late answers , but i have good news for u ,i have gone to the alge scrubber and its about more than 2 month now using it and...............
its magic my nitrates level is 5-15 pmm which was always 80-100 pmm
i love algeescruber .its really do work ,just do as it shows on the post ,,
good luck