Recent FTS with BSJF


New Member
Got a FTS a few days ago and happened to catch Jasper intimidating the dwarf lionfish. He's hoving over his burrow in the bottom right corner. If you look carefully you can see the lionfish hanging out on top of the sun coral nearby.

Eating pieces of krill that the lionfish can barely handle, Jasper has become the largest BSJF I have seen. He is almost as big as a Bali Tiger at a LFS.

I haven't purchased another BSJF as Jasper is so well adjusted to the tank. But I did get two yellow heads and they are a riot. You can see one poking his head out above a fungia plate coral. The other has a burrow underneath the fuzzy mushroom rock near Jasper. They don't seem to mind each other a bit, surprisingly.

Taking care of this tank is like a second full time job... it is difficult keeping 40+ fish, and over 100 corals of all varieties (including several aposymbiotic nephtheas, gorgonians, and dendrophyllias) happy in a 233 gallon tank. But I think it is worth it! I've broken most of the "rules" with this tank and so far gotten away with it :)

Zeovit system has kept nutrients under control -- though far from non-detectable -- despite heavy feeding of fish and corals. Pests are under reasonable biologic control, with copperband butterfly having eliminated aiptasia, four line wrasse eliminated monti-eating nudibrachs, and three leopard wrasses and two mandarin dragonets eliminating flatworms. Ich has been a non-issue with four cleaner shrimp and Hawaiian cleaner wrasse. Sohal (who is getting big) and yellow tangs eat any filamentous algae, and the chevron tang and three algae blennies take care of the film algae.

I'm almost hoping for red bugs so I can justify adding some pipefish :)



Active Member
That Blue spot is huge! What are you feeding yuor goni? He looks great! Awesome Tank. I like the blue sponge.


Well-Known Member
How did I miss this one?
Glad I was looking through older threads.
Beautiful tank and great pic.
Jasper is adorable of course.


Active Member
I like how you say "40 + fish"
BEAUTIFUL aquarium, but looks like you need a second. :O could you ever dream of managing two? :D


Well-Known Member
What an amazing tank! It is gorgeous!

I think I saw one bare spot that still has room for a coral! :bouncer: